Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Apparatus and methods for determination of total and solid carbon content of engine exhaust: 8,783,090


The present disclosure provides apparatus and methods to determine real-time total carbon content, non-inclusive of carbon dioxide, and/or solid carbon content of engine exhaust. For a total carbon content determination, substantially all carbon dioxide is removed from the exhaust, and thereafter substantially all the remaining carbon of the exhaust is oxidized to provide a quantity of carbon dioxide which then may be used to determine total carbon content of the exhaust. For solid carbon content determination, in addition to substantially all carbon dioxide being removed from the exhaust, substantially all carbon-containing non-solid substances are also removed from the exhaust, and thereafter substantially all the remaining carbon of the exhaust is oxidized to provide a quantity of carbon dioxide which then may be used to determine solid carbon content of the exhaust.

Patent Number: 
Date Of Issue: 

Qiang Wei; Imad Said Abdul-Khalek