Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Hydro-Mechanical Transmission: 7,744,499


A hydro-mechanical transmission system. The system includes an engine having a drive shaft that extends into and supplies power to a gear box having a first and second planetary gear set, wherein the first and second planetary gear set includes a sun with a first ring gear fixed and a carrier coupled to the drive shaft through a double clutch, a hydraulic pump driven by the engine and hydraulically coupled to a hydraulic motor, a low pressure accumulator coupled to the motor and the pump, a high pressure accumulator coupled to the motor and the pump, wherein the hydraulic motor couples to the suns of both planetary gear sets, wherein the engine drives the carrier of the second planetary gear set with the ring of the second planetary gear set coupled to the drive shaft through a double clutch.

Patent Number: 
Date Of Issue: 

Gary L. Stecklein