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System and Method for Identifying and Correcting Abnormal Oscillometric Pulse Waves: 5,865,756


A system and method for identifying and correcting abnormal oscillometric pressure pulse waves detects oscillometric pressure pulse waves produced by a cardiac muscle of a living subject, identifies abnormal oscillometric pressure pulse waves and corrects the amplitudes of oscillometric pressure pulse waves produced by arrhythmias. Thus, the arrhythmic oscillometric pressure pulse waves may be retained by an oscillometric blood-pressure measurement system for use in determining a living subject's blood pressure. The system and method of this invention preferably identify abnormal oscillometric pressure pulse waves not produced by arrhythmias as artifacts. The oscillometric pressure pulse waves identified as artifacts may then be rejected by an oscillometric blood-pressure measurement system to improve the accuracy of a blood-pressure measurement.

Patent Number: 
Date Of Issue: 

Harry H. Peel, III