Machinery Events

Event Category ID Name
Go to Machinery Webinar event Introduction to Additive Manufacturing in Turbomachinery Applications Webinar

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Nathan Andrews.

Training & Workshops 2448796
Go to Machinery Webinar event Liquid Propulsion Systems Propellant Tank and Pressurization System Modeling

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Ellen Smith.

Training & Workshops 2884646
Go to Machinery Webinar event Transient Hydraulic Modeling

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Adrian Alvarado.

Training & Workshops 5175841
Go to Machinery Webinar event Fundamentals of Supercritical CO2

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Jason Wilkes, Ph.D.

Training & Workshops 5164666
Go to Machinery Webinar event Acoustic Induced Vibrations

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Brandon Ridens.

Training & Workshops 5164126
Go to Pulsations & Vibrations in Piping Systems Short Course Pulsations & Vibrations: Analysis and Testing Training Course to

SwRI is hosting a Pulsations & Vibrations: Analysis and Testing Training Course. This course offers hands-on applications and operations.

Training & Workshops 8580
NPSS logo Introduction to Propulsion Simulation Using NPSS - Spring Short Course to

SwRI is hosting an NPSS Annual Training Course.

Training & Workshops 894
Go to Machinery Webinar event Turbine Case Design with ASME VIII-2

Join us for a free webinar hosted by John Klaerner.

Training & Workshops 5176391
Go to Machinery Webinar event An Introduction to Lateral Rotordynamics

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Chris Kulhanek

Training & Workshops 11962701
Go to Machinery Webinar event Blade Aeromechanic Analysis

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Jonathan Wade.

Training & Workshops 5164131
Go to Machinery Webinar event Space Fluids: Alien, Yet Closer to Home than you May Think

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Emilio Gordon.

Training & Workshops 11472881
Go to sCO2 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles event 9th International Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symposium to

SwRI will co-host the symposium to advance Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (sCO2) power cycle technology.

Training & Workshops 11676