Innovation in science and technology has been a hallmark of Southwest Research Institute since its earliest days. It’s no exaggeration to say we are committed to advancing science and applying technology to benefit government, industry, and all of humanity. That is our mission. Our multidisciplinary, collaborative approach allows us to successfully solve clients’ most challenging problems.
Our staff is just as committed today as our founder Thomas Baker Slick Jr. was in 1947 when he proposed that the betterment of humanity depends on the use of advanced science and technology. His dream of building an internationally respected institution working in research and development has, I believe, been more than realized.
Today, we are a leader among independent, nonprofit research and development organizations. Our staff of more than 3,200 scientists, engineers, analysts, and support staff members continues to accomplish outstanding fundamental and applied engineering and research for clients from diverse segments of government and industry. And we will continue to strive to be the first choice for clients seeking solutions for their most complex problems.