Our Institute Calibration Laboratory provides quality calibration services with a commitment to continually improve quality and efficiency. We recently expanded our lab exclusively supporting internal calibration needs for our world-class research and testing services to external clients in support of diverse industries.
Services & Accreditation
The laboratory is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for calibration, Certificate #3759.01. Calibrations come with certificates of calibration documenting traceable data and uncertainties. We provide measurement traceability to the International System of Units (SI) through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and National Metrology Institute.
Calibrations are performed in the following areas:
- Dimensional — Precision calibration of dimensional gages and hand tools.
- DC/Low Frequency — Electrical measurement and sourcing instruments for DC/AC voltages, currents, resistance, capacitance, inductance and power.
- Time and Frequency — Oscilloscopes, function generators, and timers.
- Mechanical — Balances/scales, mass standards, anemometers, gas flow meters, durometers, and torque hand tools.
- RF Microwave — RF instruments up to 26.5 GHz.
- Thermodynamic — Temperature calibrations of -200°C to 1450°C, relative humidity 10% RH to 95% RH, Dew Point -10°C to 70°C and pressure instruments 0 to 72.5 kpsi.
Contact the ICL or call +1 210 522 3003 to discuss your calibration needs.