5S Workplace Organization

Jun 20, 2023

San Antonio, TX
United States


The 5S methodology is the cornerstone of creating discipline in the workplace and forms the foundation for all workplace improvements. 5S has only a little to do with creating a clean and tidy work area where everything is neat, near-by, and easy and fast to get to. That is indeed what you see when you go to a great 5S work managed operation, but that is not the only benefit of 5S. 5S is there to help you do perfect work every time. 5S is really about:

  • Preventing mistakes, scrap and rework that ruins jobs.
  • Making sure equipment is reliable and working properly to make a quality item every time.
  • Removing and preventing useless variation in work activities and machine performance.
  • Delivering exact quality products and service ever more quickly.
  • Keeping people and plants safe from hazards and harm.

The course, using a hands-on simulation and a variety of practical examples, highlights the benefits possible when 5S is deployed correctly and explains each of the 5 S’s (sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain) in detail.


June 20, 2023


8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Southwest Research Institute

6220 Culebra Road

Building 68


$200 (individual online registration required)

Registration Deadline

June 15, 2023 at Noon