Manufacturing Day
San Antonio, TX 00000
United States

SwRI and TMAC proudly join together to support "Manufacturing Day" as a celebration of all manufacturers in America. We salute the men and women who make the United States the world's largest manufacturing economy. Manufacturing offers tremendous career opportunities that are technology-driven in innovative environments that also provide good-paying jobs!
Join us for a presentation and tour that highlights how we here at SwRI and TMAC support manufacturing and advanced technologies. Collectively we develop and deliver advanced technologies and processes in the field of manufacturing. We assist customers in developing and achieving strategic goals, improvement plans and superior levels of performance. We also develop and implement new automation and robotics, creating solutions for advanced manufacturing. No safety gear needed for tour. Business casual and no open toe shoes. Light refreshments. Students under 18 must be accompanied by parents or teachers. Limited to 20 registrants.
Facility Tour / Presentation
October 4, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Free (individual online registration required)
Southwest Research Institute
Building 68, Intelligent Systems Division
6220 Culebra Rd
San Antonio, TX 78238
Deadline to register is September 30, 2024.
See our other TMAC course offerings.