Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has been developing electronic widgets to support powertrain R&D for more than a decade. As the family of specialty products began to grow, a client asked what we called them. The response was, “They are just a bunch of transistors.” The descriptive acronym, BOT, stuck.
Each BOT™ module is designed with a specific purpose in mind, but because the software and I/O are so flexible, new uses and features arise frequently. Our most popular BOT modules include:
Converter BOT is a flexible engine position-tracking module designed specifically to translate arbitrary cam and crank patterns into common OEM patterns. Featuring a dual-channel VR signal conditioner and Xilinx® FPGA, the C-BOT may be configured by SwRI engineers to accommodate any standard or custom pattern.
Programmable Injector Driver BOT (DI-BOT) is an advanced injector driver capable of driving four injectors and two auxiliary loads with fully programmable current waveforms. The auxiliary channels provide the ability to drive devices such as high-pressure fuel metering pumps. Optically isolated inputs allow any controller to actuate advanced injectors
Dual H-Bridge BOT is a two channel power driver module. It uses H-bridge topology and pulse width modulation enabling motors or any DC load to run at variable speeds, either forward or reverse. The module contains two, independent monolithic ICs which provides flexibility and reliable high power operation. Typical applications include electronic throttle body control, PWM controlled valves, bidirectional solenoids, and reversible motor mechanisms.
The low side driver BOT (LSD-BOT) is an advanced driver capable of driving eight loads through low side switching. The LSD-BOT can be configured for solenoids, injectors, and ignition coils. Logic level inputs with protection allow any controller to drive high current low devices.
Our Rapid Prototyping Electronic Control System (RPECS) is an advanced programmable controller for custom control and data acquisition applications. Built on more than 20 years of test and engine control technology, RPECS is the latest in a successful line of expandable, rapidly customizable, high I/O count, prototype control systems. Developed using PC-based embedded components to maximize performance without high costs, RPECS is capable of executing complex real-time control and data acquisition algorithms to solve many custom applications.
MATLAB/Simulink®-based engine control software is available to accelerate client's open ECU development projects. SwRI has integrated experience from years of engine R&D programs that all require similar underlying control features. These algorithms are available to run on any Simulink-compatible control system. The Simulink source code is provided with no black boxes so your team can modify the code directly or with SwRI's support. This software provides the basic ability to operate any configuration of compression ignition (diesel) or spark-ignited (gasoline) engine. Additional information and a list of standard features are available.
RPECS not only captures every sensor and every actuator on every cycle, but also monitors on board diagnostic (OBD) tools and scans CAN traffic, collecting tremendous amounts of data in a single file. Our process acquires the benchmark data sets, and can map them to relevant calibration tables. Our benchmarking capabilities also cover thermodynamic engine development, engine mapping, OBD calibration, and exhaust aftertreatment specification and emissions calibration.