Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Dual Acquisition Miniature All-Sky Coronagraph: 8,280,104


A system for simultaneously imaging the corona and inner heliosphere of the Sun from a space borne platform. The system includes, a wide-field annular coronagraph (WAC) having annular, aspheric reflecting optics centered on an axis coinciding with the azimuthal orientation of the imaging system towards the Sun. The WAC incorporates an occulting cone having an axis of symmetry coinciding with that of the reflecting optic system and a baffle system for reducing stray light at angles far from the Sun. The system includes a solar coronal imager (SCI) positioned within the occulting cone of the WAC. The SCI includes axially aligned refracting optics centered on an axis coinciding with the azimuthal orientation of the imaging system and includes at least one occulting disk. The WAC and SCI each utilize digital electronic imaging and associated image processing instrumentation. The occulting cone of the WAC also functions as a radiative cooler.

Patent Number: 
Date Of Issue: 

Craig Edward Deforest