Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Radial-Valve Gear Apparatus for Barrel Engine: 6,899,065


A barrel engine has an elongated power shaft defining a longitudinal axis. A plurality of cylinders surround the longitudinal axis, with each having a closed end and an open end. An intake system introduces a combustible mixture of air and fuel into each of the cylinders. The power shaft has an intake lobe and an exhaust lobe extending therefrom. The intake system includes an intake valve and an exhaust valve for each of the cylinders. A valve actuation mechanism includes an intake rocker arm with one end in mechanical communication with the intake lobe, the other end in mechanical communication with the intake valve, and a mid-portion that is pivotally supported. The mechanism also includes an exhaust rocker arm with one end in mechanical communication with the exhaust lobe, the other end in mechanical communication with the exhaust valve, and a mid-portion that is pivotally supported.

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Bret R. Hauser

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