Advanced science.  Applied technology.


Use of Braking Energy to Augment Exhaust Heat for Improved Operation of Exhaust Aftertreatment Devices: 8,720,184


Disclosed are a method and device for supplying a combustion chamber of a space propulsion engine with cryogenic liquid fuel and oxidizer propellants. The propellants are mixed at constant pressure to produce a propellant mixture, with the propellants being mixed at a location upstream of an orifice of a propellant injector. The propellant mixture is fed to an enclosure of the propellant injector, and from the propellant injector enclosure, the propellant mixture is injected into the combustion chamber. The flow rate of the propellant mixture from the propellant injector enclosure into the combustion chamber is varied by adjustment of the propellant injector, with the injection of the propellant mixture from the propellant injector enclosure into the combustion chamber being at constant pressure.

Patent Number: 
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Cynthia C. Webb; Karl J Kreder III